2024 Results
- Most Promising Primary
- Isabelle Mei (East Taieri School)
- Most Potential Intermediate
- Olivia Mei (Columba College)
- Most Promising Pre-Choreographed
- Lania Wyrill (George Street/Ignite Aerobics)
- Artistic Excellence
- Lucy Carrington (Queen’s High School/Queen’s Aerobics)
- Technical Excellence
- Charlotte Bloxham (Columba College)
- Highest Scoring Individual
- Stasa Tucker (Queen’s High School/Queen’s Aerobics)
- Most Aerobic Routine
- Cassie and Sasha (St Hilda’s/Queen’s Aerobics)
- Highest Scoring School
- Most Promising Div 5 Team
- Joy & Zoe – Chilton St James
- Most Promising Div 5 Individual
- Houpt Award for Technical Excellence
- Artistic Excellence – Team
- Artistice Excellence – Individual
- Highest Scoring Secondary Athlete
- Highest Scoring School
- Most Promising Individual
- Sophie Hamilton, Woodend School / Soul DNA
- Most Promising Performance
- Ella & Sophie, Xcelerate Aerobics/St Francis of Assisi School
- Artistoc Excellence
- Emilie & Indi, St Francis of Assisi School
- Highest Scoring School
- St Francis of Assisi School
- Highest Scoring Individual:
- TIE:
- Harpur McKeown (U12 Div 3) &
- Molly Cole (U19, Div 1), Empire Aerobics
- Most Promising Performance
- Fearless – Empire Aerobics
- Most Promising Pre-Choreographed Routine
- Sophie Howe – James Hargest College, Empire Aerobics
- Most Potential Individual
- Katelyn Street-Wilson – Fuel Fitness & Health
- Artistic Excellence
- Sophie Purdon – James Hargest College, Empire Aerobics