Hip Hop Results available on HipHopInSchools.co.nz
NZCAF Regional Competitions
- Wellington
- Full results
- Judges feedback
- Aerobics Trophies:
- Winner Intermediate Individual
Care Chen – Queen Margaret College - Highest scoring secondary school athlete
Myah Bere – Chilton St James - Most promising pre-choreographed team
Sassy Sisters – Chilton St James - Most promising pre-choreographed individual
Berlin Day – Rāroa Normal Intermediate School - Houpt Technical Excellence Trophy
Imogene Tindall – Queen Margaret College - Chilton Artistic Excellence (Team)
All Stars- Chilton St James - Lowther Artistic Excellence (Individual)
Danielle Donn – Rāroa Normal Intermediate School - Highest scoring school
Chilton St James School
- Winner Intermediate Individual
- Canterbury
- Full results
- Excluding Secondary Novice teams, all finalists have qualified for Nationals
- Judges feedback
- Southland
- Otago
- Results coming soon
- Qualifiers
- Judges feedback
Note – Straight finals for all categories. Results say ‘heats’ but there were no finals.
- Tina Ball School Shield (Most 1st, 2nd, 3rd Placings) Queen’s High School
- The Mihi Aston Award for Artistic Excellence Saige Evans and Billie Allan (Queen’s Aerobics / Queen’s High School)
- The Tanya Houpt Award for Technical Excellence Brooke Wilson (Tahuna Intermediate / Queen’s Aerobics)
- The Jean Shalders Award for Most Potential Bridie Shelton (Otago Girls’ High School)
- Harding-Tuki Cup for Most Promising Primary/Intermediate Team Fuel’d Up! (St Josephs Primary School / Fuel Fitness & Health)
- Most Promising Pre-Choreographed QMC Diamonds (Queen Margaret College)
- Coaches Award for Most Innovative Choreography A Lowther / K Snoep – Queen’s High School