Information for teachers, coaches & managers

Updated 7 February 2025

A smoke, drug, and alcohol free event

As a schools based competition series, we are committed to providing a smoke, drug and alcohol free event.

Any participants, including coaches, found to be in breach of this may be asked to leave the venue immediately.

Code of conduct

All attendees (athletes, coaches, supporters and suppliers) agree to abide by the event code of conduct

Please ensure your athletes, coaches, and supporters have been made aware of this code of conduct.


Schools and clubs will be emailed entry forms at the conclusion of the regional events.

Withdrawal policy
Withdrawals after entries close will not be refunded.
Compassionate consideration will be given to withdrawals due to illness.


A waivers must complete a waiver. Waivers are to be presented at registration.

Coach registration

This year we are introducing a coach registration.

All coaches / managers who wish to go back stage or side stage need to register using this form.
(this excludes athletes who are also coaching)

Non athlete coaches will receive a wrist band at crew registration.

By completing the form, you agree that the registered individual has read and agrees to abide by the Event Code of Conduct. Please note, this form must only be used for actual managers / coaches who are going to be actively managing or coaching backstage.

Event management reserve the right to limit the number of passes per school/club.

Side stage access

Will be limiting the access to side stage during the event.
This is a health and safety measure.

The stage manager will control who is in the side stage at any one time.

Only the athlete(s) about to compete, and the designated coaches are allowed to be side stage. No supporting athletes.

Schools and Clubs will be issued with TWO side stage passes. These are inter changable between coaches, but must be worn and clearly visible side stage.

Coaches without a pass will be asked to leave the side stage area.

Event information


Rangi Ruro Girls School

Registration and briefing : Friday night

Registration will take place at the venue from 7:00pm – 7:30pm.
Coaches will receive athlete wristbands, coach / manager wristbands, side stage passes, and any pre purchased merchandise.

Coach briefing will take place at 7:30pm.
This is a health and safety briefing, and venue walk through. A coach from each school and/or club must attend.

Warm up space and holding area

Please limit the amount of gear brought in to this space, and keep gear to the sides to allow maximum clear space for others to warm up.

Stage testing

NZCAF Open and FISAF athletes will have scheduled time slots available for stage testing on Saturday.


Athletes must be present and ready at least 15 mins prior to their performance.

Our backstage managers will be looking for athletes in the foyer as their categories approach.

Athletes and coaches are responsible for ensuring they are at the venue with enough time for their performance. Please be aware that the times in the timetable are a guide only. Due to the nature of the event, we may run slightly early or late throughout the weekend. 

For health and safety purposes, we ask that athletes exit the backstage areas after they have finished performing.

Leaving & re-entering the venue

Athletes are permitted to leave and return to the venue throughout the event.

Athletes watching

We intend that athletes will be able to watch from the audience seating.

This may change depending on unforeseen issues with venue layouts.

Health & Well-being

We ask that if anyone in your group (athlete, supporter, coach etc) stay away from the event if they are feeling unwell.

If a member of your group becomes unwell during the event, or within the two weeks after the event, please inform the event manager.