This section of our website includes resources for athletes, coaches, and teachers to use in the National Schools Aerobics Competition.
If you have any questions about the resources here or would like to get in touch with coaches or members in your region, please check out ourĀ contacts section.
Pre-Choreographed Routines
Introductory routines to assist beginning coaches, school teachers and athletes with the choreography process. They are for use in the Pre-Choreographed Aerobic Sections of the National Schools Aerobic Competition.
Resources for Teachers
Featured at the PENZ Conference 2014, these have been written by experienced teachers and are specifically tailored for the New Zealand curriculum.
Training & Coaching Resources
These resources consist of guides and tips that we think will help you get the most out of your training and competition preparation.
Example routines
Example routines which can modified and used in the Sport Aerobic and Fitness Sections of the New Zealand Schools Aerobics Competition
Freefalls – Progression Training
Training videos showing the progression to free falls, flying push-ups and drop to splits.
Music in Sport Aerobics
A guide on how to choose good sport aerobics music.